Fairytale Feet

Romantic Suspense Books

2015-12-14 14.06.34 (3)

Cinderella has long since set the standard to which all ladies must aspire, so how did our heroine manage to retain such tantalizing tootsies while traipsing about doing the chores?

Did she sit by the fire each evening, gently massaging rose oil into her heels after a hard day’s work? Did she paint her nails a delicate shade of pink? Did she line those glass slippers with squirrel fur, because we all know that they would cause us lesser mortals sweaty feet.

And how can we compete with such a fascinating fairytale of her fabulous phalanges?

We can decorate them, we can buff them, we can cover them with cream, making sure that when that perfect moment comes, and our very own Prince Charming slips off our shoe, we can point a pretty toe for his ultimate delectation.

And romance readers already know that no hero ever lifted a well…

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